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  • AutorenbildBrenda Severin


Hello lovelies,

I hope this month of July is treating you all fantastic. Let us allow the magic of the universe to flow into our lives. Regardless of what is happening around us, let us keep a positive mindset and strive to make the best of each situation. As as the situation is slowly getting back to normal and a lot of things have started to operate, I am grateful to have this opportunity to spend some quality time with my queens.

I have made it a tradition to travel atleast once in a year ....... simply creating fabulous moments with the ladies doing what we love doing the most; dancing, conversing, laughing, cooking together and of course photo shooting ( lol ).

As the saying goes, " live your life in the moment because tomorrow is not promised."

If there is anything this pandemic period has taught me, it is - " Life is short, time is fast, no replay, no rewind and therefore enjoy every moment as it the fullest." Hence the Queenscation.

Cooking and dining, Story time and simply laughing together - my favorite moments. The energy was absolutely awesome.

Would you go on a ladies trip ? When yes, with your circle of friends or are you open to getting to know and interacting with new people? Creating new memories, experiencing new cultures and taking time simply to be girls?

Personally, I don't mind joining a ladies trip with new faces, however to be honest I prefer taking a trip with my friends. Although, its great to meet new people and create new friendships it doesn't hurt to be my lovely husband always says," Darling you are very picky."

As years go by, I am slowly accepting this fact and think about it........with friends, there are no masks, you are simply you.

Exploring Wörthersee

Why a ladies trip? Well, the major reason is to :

  • Solidify the friendship - I have discovered that when you spend more time with your friends you get to know each other better - the bond is absolutely on another level. You get to know the real character of each soul...... that's what makes friendship special.

At the Gloria Gaynor’s Concert at the castle Finkenstein.

  • Secondly, a ladies trip is for us women, mothers, wives, single ladies to simply switch our minds from our daily duties and have a maximum relaxation. I believe you can all relate to this; trying to have some rest at home is really hard - you will always have something to do and when not, someone else in the house will always have something for you to do.

At Jilly Beach Restaurant in Pörtschach am Wörthersee

  • These kinds of getaways are essential to help us learn from each other, inspire and motivate one another. Each one of us is great at doing something and I can testify on this throughout my life I have learnt a lot from people in my life and I am still learning. In my opinion, friends can be your real life role models - you must not necessarily do things like them, however you get to earn one or two tips on how to handle situations. I have this concept in my mind; you can learn a lot from someone who has experienced the same situation. Nevertheless, the best experience is the one you encounter by yourself.

Well lovelies, I could keep on stating a lot of reasons why friends getaways are great, but for now allow me to pen off.

I hope we can motivate you to start spending some quality times with your friends.



Here you can check out one of our favorite Gin during our trip: RHUBARB GIN - by Herbert Ranstl

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